Questions and answers about carboxytherapy

About carboxytherapy

Modern aesthetic technology offers a wide range of effective treatments for skin rejuvenation. One of them is carboxytherapy. It helps fight age-related changes, improves skin elasticity, eliminates wrinkles and pigmentation, and fights acne.

Carboxytherapy is an innovative method of rejuvenating the epidermis based on the properties of carbon dioxide.

Carboxytherapy is a cosmetic procedure in which carbon dioxide is introduced into or under the skin. In response to the excess of CO2 (hypercapnia) in the tissue, a large amount of oxygen is delivered to the lesion. This activates local blood flow, cell metabolism and collagen synthesis.

The treatment improves the condition of the skin and helps with rosacea, couperose, acne, psoriasis and other dermatovenerological diseases.

Doctors appreciate carboxytherapy for its pronounced rejuvenating and purifying effect on the skin, maximizing the naturalness of the processes triggered in the tissues.

Carbon dioxide has antioxidant, antiseptic and regenerative properties. That is why it has been used in medicine for more than 50 years. However, carbon dioxide has not been used in aesthetic medicine for a long time.

The main cause of aging of the epidermis is a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

The effectiveness of carboxytherapy may seem questionable, as carbon dioxide causes an even greater lack of oxygen. However, CO2 saturates the skin much more effectively than oxygen. The epidermis responds to exposure to carbon dioxide as a stressor by increasing blood circulation and stimulating active production of collagen, the main building material of cells.

Questions and answers

Non-invasive carboxy therapy

Carboxytherapy can be performed without injection using special masks. The carbon dioxide is released into the upper and middle layers of the skin; it reaches the lower layers only in small amounts.

Therefore, the method without injection is less effective than the invasive method.

The procedure involves the use of the original mask. The main component of this mask is carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is produced by mixing the components of the active mask - granules and gel. Molecular CO2 penetrates very quickly into the epidermis of the skin and reaches the blood vessels, which immediately dilates the vessels, increases blood circulation and increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. This process stimulates the production of collagen, resulting in a natural facelift and improving the color and appearance of the skin.


" This technique is characterized by absolute safety. The products used have no contraindications, even for allergy sufferers, and are non-toxic. Only carbon dioxide, which is a natural element of metabolism, acts on the skin. There are no other chemical elements that can cause complications.

" The procedure is completely painless, as no injections are used. The integrity of the skin is preserved. There is no risk of inflammation or irritation at the injection sites with this technique.

" Carboxytherapy has no age limit and is suitable for all skin types. It is not seasonal.

Carboxytherapy Injections

Invasive carboxytherapy is a cosmetic procedure in which sterile carbon dioxide is injected intracutaneously or subcutaneously.

A state of hypercapnia (excess CO2) occurs locally at the injection site. As a result, blood vessels reflexively dilate, improving local blood flow. Increased blood flow is a protective reaction of the body. To compensate for CO2 excess, it stimulates oxygen supply to the affected area.

The result:

" Local blood flow is improved;

" The metabolism of tissues and cells is accelerated;

" The products of cellular metabolism are rapidly eliminated;

" Fibroblasts (immune cells that synthesize collagen) are activated;

" The pH of the tissue is normalized;

" Synthesis of elastin and collagen is stimulated;

" Moisturizes the dermis



1. Removal of make-up and cleansing of the skin.

2. Application of an activator gel and a special mask for 10-30 minutes. During the session, the specialist presses the mask on the patient's face at regular intervals with gentle massaging movements.

3. Removing the mask, cleaning the skin with professional products, cloths and water.

4. To close the pores as much as possible, the face is rubbed with an ice cube. In addition, a serum can be applied to firm the result.

During the treatment, a hissing sound (gas bubbles make a noise) and a slight vibration sensation may occur.


1. Consultation. The doctor will thoroughly question and examine the patient to rule out contraindications and possible complications.

2. Cleaning of the area to be treated (removal of body make-up, washing and antiseptic treatment of the injection site).

3. Subcutaneous or intradermal injections of carbon dioxide. Dosage is calculated individually for each person.

4. Consultation with a doctor for a rehabilitation period.

A tingling or burning sensation may occur during treatment. There may be a crackling sound - this is the sound of gas bubbles bursting under the skin. This disappears by itself within 2-3 minutes.

How many treatments do you need?

A course of carboxytherapy includes between 3 and 20 treatments (the exact number depends on the problem).

How often can this be done?

The sessions are usually performed once or twice a week. The doctor determines the exact interval between treatments individually.

At what age should it be done?

Cosmetic treatments are possible from the age of 18.

There are no strict age recommendations for carboxytherapy.

Indications of carboxytherapy

" Ptosis (prolapse of soft tissues on face);

" Dull skin tone;

" Swelling of the face;

" Dry skin;

" Dark circles or bags under the eyes;

" A double chin;

" Wrinkles (static wrinkles and expression lines);

" Spider veins;

" Loss of skin turgor;

" Hyperpigmentation;

" Acne;

" Post-acne;

" Psoriasis;

" Rosacea;

" Localized fat deposits;

" Striae (stretch marks);

" Hair loss

Contraindications of carboxytherapy

" Childhood;

" A previous heart attack or stroke;

" Pregnancy;

" Chronic diseases in the acute phase;

" Onco-diseases;

" Skin lesions at injection sites;

" Decompensating diseases;

" Epilepsy and other mental diseases with psychomotor agitation.

Preparation for carboxy treatment

Not required.

A doctor is consulted before the procedure.

It is important that you are honest with your doctor and do not hide any diseases or other contraindications.


The effect of the carboxy treatment:

" Improved skin texture;

" Smoothing of wrinkles;

" Eliminates bags and bruises under the eyes;

" Lifting effect;

" Slightly pronounced tightening of the second chin.

Advantages of carboxytherapy

" Prepares the skin for other cosmetic treatments;

" A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;

" Restores the protective function and immunity of the skin;

" Safety;

" No anesthesia is required (completely painless procedure);

" Can be performed at any time of the year;

" Reduces subcutaneous fat;

" No age restriction;

" Can be performed on any skin type;

" Can be combined with other cosmetic procedures (chemical peels, biorevitalization, micro-needling and RF lifting, botulinum therapy, photo and laser procedures, etc.).

Complications due to CO2 therapy

The procedure is completely safe and painless.

Complications can occur if the technique of carboxytherapy is not performed correctly or if the patient has concealed information about possible contraindications.

For face and neck

The application of carboxytherapy to the neck/face area produces the following results:

" Deep lifting effect

" Elimination of greasy shine

" Restoration of skin elasticity

" Reduction of swelling

" Rejuvenation

" Lightening age spots

" Smoothing the tone and texture of the face

" Wrinkle removal

" Lifting facial contours

" Eliminating bags and dark circles under the eyes

" Reduction of inflammation (removal of acne and pustules)

" Correction of neck wrinkles

" Smoothing of post acne

" Reduce the "double chin"

For belly and sides

Carboxytherapy helps:

" Local reduction of fatty tissue

" Reshape the figure

" Tighten skin

" Remove striae (stretch marks)

" Reduce the appearance of cellulite (after a series of treatments complete elimination of cellulite)

" Eliminate swelling

" Smooth scars.

" In addition, the treatment helps to reduce the appearance of muscle definition.

For cellulite

Cellulite is a structural change of the subcutaneous adipose tissue due to disturbed microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. It manifests itself as "orange peel skin". Pronounced lumpiness affects the aesthetic appearance of the body.

Carboxytherapy is used to eliminate cellulite. It is designed to improve microcirculation and boost cellular metabolism.

As a result, stagnation disappears, blood and lymph flow normalizes, swelling goes down and skin turgor (elasticity) is restored.

As a result, the lumps are smoothed, and after a series of treatments, cellulite is smoothed by tightening the skin.

For headaches

Cervical osteochondrosis is often manifested by headaches in the back of the head and pain in the neck. The disease can cause high blood pressure, dizziness and tinnitus.

Carboxytherapy in the neck relieves muscle tension and relieves headaches. Treatment leads to normalization of sleep, improvement of general well-being and mood.


Rosacea is a chronic, non-contagious skin disease characterized by redness and irritation of the skin with a distinct vascular pattern, rashes, pustules and thickening of the epidermis.

Carboxytherapy is an excellent treatment for rosacea. The treatment helps to:

" Elimination of couperose (spider veins and reticular strands)

" Promoting the synthesis of collagen

" Start the process of formation of new healthy capillaries

" Suppress inflammation

" Strengthen vascular walls (prevention of rosacea)

" Soothes the skin

" Smoothing skin tone and texture

" Normalizes the cellular composition of the epidermis

For the treatment of rosacea, 4-10 treatments with a frequency of 1 or 2 sessions per week are sufficient. After a series of treatments, the result should be consolidated with one treatment every 2-3 months.

For psoriasis

Psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of red, dry papules that, when they coalesce, form plaques. These papules are chronically inflamed areas caused by an autoimmune reaction that leads to overactive immune cells and the formation of new capillaries.

Carboxytherapy suppresses the pathogenesis and symptoms of psoriasis. Cell activity is normalized, immune reactions in the affected area are suppressed to an appropriate extent. Rashes, itching, scaling and redness disappear. The skin is soothed and moisturized.

For the treatment of psoriasis with carboxytherapy, as a rule, 15-20 treatments are performed with a frequency of sessions 2-3 times a week.

Is it suitable for oily or dry skin?

Carboxytherapy is suitable for all skin types.

Oily skin is characterized by disruption of sebum production and enlarged pores. The carbon dioxide dilates the capillaries, increasing the oxygen supply. Nutrients are transported with the blood. Metabolism of cells is boosted and sebaceous glands function normally. Pores become smaller and sebum production decreases, eliminating an oily sheen.

Dry skin is usually affected by a lack of hyaluronic acid. It retains moisture so that the dermis can be hydrated. Carboxytherapy accelerates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen by the connective tissue. As a result, the skin is hydrated, renewed and regains its elasticity. Dryness and scaling disappear.

Can you do this at home?

Non-invasive carboxytherapy kits are available in specialized stores. However, it is difficult and dangerous to perform the procedure yourself without knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Leave it to a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Injection treatments should not be performed at home.

Can you do this in the summer?

Yes, you can. It is a year-round procedure.

Carboxytherapy and facial treatment

Peeling and carboxytherapy are an excellent combination for deep and effective facial cleansing.

The treatments can be performed in any order.

After the peeling, the dead cells are exfoliated and the cell renewal process in the deeper layers is activated. The carbon dioxide gas brings the blood to the treatment site. Together with the oxygen, nutrients are also supplied to the tissues, which accelerate the renewal of the skin. This increases the rejuvenating effect of the treatment combination many times over.

Carboxy therapy and biorevitalization

Carboxytherapy multiplies the effect of injectable cosmetic treatments. It activates the tissues and interacts faster with the injected products, so the effect of biorevitalization is faster.

The main effects of the combination of procedures:

" Lifting effect;

" Rejuvenation of the skin;

" Restores the turgor of the dermis;

" Hydrates the skin;

" Smoothing wrinkles.

Carboxytherapy and Botox

Carboxytherapy can be performed before and after botulinum therapy. The combination of treatments is recommended for patients aged 45-50 years and above, i.e. for patients with pronounced age-related skin changes.

Carboxytherapy and ozone therapy

In ozone therapy, ozone (triatomic oxygen) is injected subcutaneously or intradermally, i.e. the oxygen is delivered directly to the tissue. The cells are "woken up" and their active work increases the volume of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

In carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide is injected into or under the skin. Not only oxygen but also nutrients are supplied through the blood circulation. This activates all the cells in the injection area.

It is not advisable to combine these treatments.

Ozone therapy is a painful procedure that requires local anesthesia (in the form of a cream or gel). However, it is a better treatment for acne than carbon dioxide injections.

Carboxytherapy procedures are more natural, making the procedure easier to tolerate. Cellulite, wrinkles and stretch marks can be better treated. Circles under the eyes.

In other cases, both treatments are equally effective.

What is the difference between a carbon peel?

Completely different procedures. One is an injection treatment, and the other is a treatment used both in conjunction with facial cleansing and separately

It is difficult to compare the effectiveness of the treatments, as some people are more suited to one treatment and others to the other.

Can I sunbathe after carboxytherapy?

In the first 2-3 days after the treatment, it is recommended not to stay in direct sunlight, even on a sunbed.

Can I have this done for acne?

Yes, you can and you should. Carboxytherapy is used to treat acne and post-acne. Its powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects are a one-step treatment:

" destroy the pathogen;

" suppress inflammation;

" stimulates tissue healing;

" cleaves fibrous (scarred) tissue in post-acne.

Can I do a peeling before the treatment?

Yes, you can.

After chemical peels, the skin is very irritated and needs to recover. Carboxytherapy will accelerate this process.

The treatment can be performed both before and after the peeling.

What can I do for couperose?

Yes, you can. Carboxytherapy strengthens the damaged capillary wall and stimulates the formation of new blood vessels. In this way spider veins are removed.

Can I do it when I am pregnant?

No. All cosmetic treatments are not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What must I not do after the treatment?

Recommendation after carboxy therapy:

" Do not wash or soak the injection sites for 4-6 hours after treatment;

" Do not bathe, shower, sauna or swim on the day of treatment;

" Avoid hypothermia and heating of the treated area for a few days (until the swelling goes down);

" Protect the treated area from direct sunlight, including solarium, for the first 3-4 days after treatment.

Side effects

Possible adverse effects after treatment:

" Redness;

" Burning;

" Soreness;

" Local swelling;

" Swelling;

" Rashes.

They disappear on their own within 1-3 days.

Crackling may occur during injections. It passes in 1-2 minutes.

Swelling after treatment

In response to the supply of carbon dioxide, the capillaries dilate and the permeability of the wall increases. The liquid component of the blood passes from the vessel into the intercellular space. This results in edema. This is a normal reaction of the body. The swelling subsides within 1-3 days after the procedure.

Acne after treatment

Pustular skin rashes may occur after carboxytherapy. Clogged pores are cleared in this way. Bumps, redness and pimples disappear by themselves 1-3 days after treatment. The most important thing is not to scratch or squeeze the pimples

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