PRP Base Cream

Use PRP serum and anti-aging cream to rehabilitate the skin after aggressive cosmetic treatments: Laser therapy, photo rejuvenation, peeling and other invasive procedures. The application of the serum accelerates the healing processes in the skin, promotes microcirculation and skin respiration.
» The PRP cream may only be stored in the refrigerator at + 2 ° C to + 4 °C. The maximum storage time is 90 days.
» The PRP cream must NEVER be applied with dirty / uncleaned hands.
» Please observe the hygiene regulations.
» The serum must not be given to third persons for the purpose of treatment. The product is designed for individual use only.
» The serum is applied 2 times a day (morning and evening) on cleansed skin, in case of rehabilitation after invasive treatments, the application is done as needed.
The PRP cream is prepared as follows:
» Take blood into a PRP tube.
» Perform a centrifugation according to the prescribed modes.
» Inject the required amount of plasma into the serum using a 5 ml syringe.
» Mix components with the spatula until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
» Prepare the serum in the presence of the patient.
» Explain to the patient about the use of the serum and the special storage conditions (in the refrigerator).