
Oxygen Serum | O2 Serum

Oxygen Serum protects the skin from aging and reduces impurities, while brightening the skin and refining pores. It is a light, but also a very effective product that will give you a radiant and healthy look. Oxygen Serum is an ideal choice for those who are looking for an effective and safe product that can help reduce blemishes, skin aging and refine...
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Modern medicine offers a new method of treating spinal and joint pathologies - carboxytherapy or gas injections. With this procedure, the patient's condition may improve after the first session. But before using this technique, you should learn about its indications, contraindications and specifics.

Mechanism of action of carboxytherapy

The method of invasive carboxytherapy is based on the use of sterile carbon dioxide gas injected into the patient either subcutaneously or intradermally.

As a local state of hypercapnia occurs at the injection site, there is vasodilation, improved blood circulation, oxygenation of the blood, improved metabolic processes and removal of metabolic waste products that remain in the cells.

The positive effects of invasive carboxytherapy are explained by the fact that carbon dioxide enables almost immediate reactions at the cellular level and interacts with fermented components of plasma, proteins and carbohydrates to form active carbon dioxide and its products, which ensures the normalization of pH in tissues.

Increased carbon dioxide content in cells and tissues is perceived by them as an external activator of physiological life support processes.

Carbon dioxide is injected into specific areas of the skin or muscles.

After the treatment, the condition of the blood improves. This is a natural phenomenon, as carbon dioxide is produced in the body and stimulates all organs and tissues through the blood

However, with age, all processes slow down and the amount of the substance in the body decreases. As a result, the space of blood vessels narrows and their flowability is impaired.

After carboxytherapy, blood circulation increases, the affected areas are saturated with useful substances, so their functionality is gradually restored.

After the injection, the body is under stress and hypoxia increases. The vascular lumen dilates, blood circulation is stimulated, and oxygen is actively released and saturates the tissues.

To increase the efficiency of the procedure, injections are made in the most affected areas. The CO2 is eliminated from the body and the oxygen continues to work.

Carboxytherapy is used for both spinal and joint conditions - CO2 is injected into the muscles surrounding the affected vertebrae or joints.


" Gas injections are used to treat osteochondrosis at any stage, especially when the symptoms of the chronic disease have subsided

" This technique is also effective in severe forms of the disease associated with swollen discs or intervertebral fractures

" Carboxytherapy is used for the following musculoskeletal conditions

" " Arthritis

" " Osteoarthritis

" " Rheumatic diseases

" Inflammatory or dystrophic lesions of periarticular structures.

" Constant pain in muscle or joint area.

" Headache, dizziness in degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine.

" Gout.

" Disease of bone tissue due to calcium deficiency.

" In addition, pneumopuncture is used for post-operative or post-traumatic conditions, certain cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, diseases of the nervous system, obesity and skin defects.

" Gas injections are effective in diseases of the genitals.

In rheumatology, carboxytherapy is used for musculoskeletal and rheumatologic diseases, for pain relief in arthritis, osteoarthritis, acute joint and spinal pain, in rehabilitation after injuries and surgical procedures.

Phlebologists use gas injections in circulatory disorders of the upper and lower limbs (trophic ulcers, ischemic diseases of the lower limbs).

In trichology, carboxytherapy helps to solve the problem of hair loss. Gas injections into the scalp normalize the nutrition of hair follicles, stimulate hair growth and change the appearance and structure of hair.

In aesthetics , carboxytherapy is used to solve a variety of problems: as a procedure for natural rejuvenation, to combat post-acne, stretch marks, deep scars and cellulite. Dermatologists prescribe carboxytherapy for psoriasis, alopecia, post-acne scars, and cosmetic problems: Signs of aging, stretch marks, couperose, localized fat deposits, cellulite.


" Condition following an infarction or stroke.

" Due to the acceleration of blood flow, there is a risk of increased damage to the heart muscle.

" Epileptic seizures, psychiatric disorders (possible seizure after injection).

" Angina pectoris (a form of myocardial ischemia associated with chest pain).

" Dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, or lungs. Liver disease. Severe hypertension.

" Vascular spasm can lead to hypertensive crisis or stroke.

" Severe inflammation of tissues or organs.

" There is a possibility of infection of the injection site and aggravation of the pathological process. Period of pregnancy, lactation.

" There is no evidence that the procedure is safe for the child.

" Blood clotting disorder.

" Concurrent use of diuretics from the group of carbohydrate inhibitors and anticoagulants.

" Nasal and menstrual bleeding may increase.

The effect of the procedure performed

The doctors and patients notice positive changes after the carboxytherapy sessions:

Blood flow to the affected areas increases. Swelling disappears and the pressure of the vertebrae on the nerve endings is reduced.

Circulatory disorders of the brain and dizziness are alleviated or disappear.

The drainage of lymphatic fluid improves. The functionality of damaged spinal segments is restored.

The risk of further development of spinal or joint pathologies is reduced.

The function of the spinal cord is restored.

The cartilage layer is saturated with nutrients, and the regeneration of damaged tissue is accelerated. Cramps and pain of muscles and ligaments disappear. The inflammation decreases.

The signs of meteopathy are relieved. Headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine disappear. Improves the function of the nervous system, strengthens sleep. Restores venous outflow of blood. Accelerates the breakdown of fat. Stimulates metabolism, the body is cleared of toxins.

The body begins to produce collagen. Strengthens the body's defenses. As you can see, carboxytherapy is good for the whole body.

An allergic reaction to gas injections is excluded, as CO2 is a natural gas produced in the body. The risk of infection is also minimal, as sterile instruments and purified gas are used during the procedure.

Stages of the carboxy process

The doctor first performs a diagnosis to identify all the areas that need to be injected and any contraindications

To achieve a positive result, the injections are administered to the main nerve and muscle sites around the affected joint or along the spine. It is important to treat all areas that suffer from hypoxia.

How is carboxytherapy performed?

The patient sits on a chair or lies on a couch. The carbon dioxide injection sites are treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. A special device is used to administer mini-injections that are virtually painless.

The injection depth, appropriate pressure, and CO2 dose are individually selected by a physician for each patient.

During the treatment, the patient may feel a slight burning and crackling sensation under the skin (this is how the gas is dissolved). After a few minutes, the discomfort disappears.

It is not advisable to rest after the gas injection, and it is recommended to take a walk or do simple physical exercises to stimulate blood circulation. In this way, the effect of the procedure will be more pronounced.

Patients feel relief already after the first session of gas injections.

The course of therapy can last from 3 to 10 sessions. The doctor decides on the duration of the treatment, taking into account the patient's age, general condition and severity of the disease.

The effect after 1 course lasts for 12 months. To prevent worsening of the disease, the patient should undergo an additional session 1 time in 4 weeks.

Carboxytherapy for back and joints is an effective and safe treatment. Patients feel relief after the first session: excruciating pain, inflammation and swelling disappear, bone and cartilage tissue is rebuilt and blood is purified. But to get good results, you need to find a professional doctor with experience in carboxytherapy and undergo a full treatment.

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