Answers to frequently asked questions about PRP treatment

PRP treatment in aesthetics - People Also Ask (PAA)

Table of contents

  • What is PRP treatment?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of PRP treatment
  • How to prepare for PRP treatment?
  • How is PRP prepared for treatment?
  • What not to do after PRP treatment
  • When can you see the results?
  • PRP effects
  • Is PRP treatment possible during the period?
  • Can I eat immediately before the treatment?
  • At what age can I start treatment?
  • Can the procedure be performed during pregnancy?
  • With a cold?
  • Can I do PRP treatment if I have cancer?
  • Can I smoke before the PRP session?
  • Can I do sports after the treatment?
  • Can I use PRP in case of couperose?
  • Can I perform PRP treatment in summer?
  • Can I drink alcohol before/after PRP treatment?
  • Can I drink coffee before the PRP treatment?
  • How long can plasma be stored?
  • Can lipolytics and PRP be combined?
  • Can I take antibiotics?
  • For hepatitis?
  • Allergy
  • PRP treatment for the face
  • How often should I have treatment?
  • How many PRP tubes are needed for one treatment?
  • PRP treatment from 50?
  • PRP treatment for acne
  • Which is better - PRP treatment or mesotherapy?
  • Which is better - PRP treatment or biorevitalization?
  • PRP for facial scars
  • Swelling / bruising after PRP treatment
  • What equipment is needed for PRP treatment?
  • PRP after laser resurfacing
  • PRP treatment for hair
  • Can PRP be used to tighten the skin?
  • Can PRP tighten my breasts?
  • Is it possible to contract HIV, syphilis, herpes or hepatitis during the procedure?
  • Is PRP treatment painful?

What is PRP treatment?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are an innovative treatment method used in regenerative medicine. It is a simple procedure in which blood plasma with an increased number of platelets is injected directly into the treated area of the body to promote healing. PRP treatments are a proven technique that is used safely and effectively for a variety of medical problems.

PRP treatments are used for many different conditions. These include arthritis, tendon disorders, musculoskeletal injuries and sports injuries. It can also be used to relieve pain caused by degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis. It can also be used as part of preventive care to prevent the development of movement disorders and improve joint function.

PRP treatments are often performed as a minimally invasive procedure. This means the procedure can be performed quickly and painlessly, allowing you to return to work the same day. It is often used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy.

The procedure consists of drawing a small amount of blood from the vein. The blood is then centrifuged in a special procedure to obtain Platelet-Rich Plasma. This is then injected into the affected area of the body to promote healing.

PRP treatments are safe and effective. They are an effective way to relieve pain and improve joint function. It can be a quick and effective solution for patients who no longer need conventional treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages

- Advantages

" PRP treatment eliminates several skin problems at once: it improves skin texture and color, restores skin firmness and reduces wrinkle depth.

" A completely safe method of rejuvenation.

" Natural procedure: The injected product is your own plasma, with no foreign chemical ingredients.

" Maximum bioavailable skin nutrition, naturally renewed by the body's own resources.

" The procedure takes less than 1 hour for the scalp and a maximum of 1.5 hours for the face.

" The change is visible already after the first session. Fast recovery time of 1-2 days.

" No undesirable effects.

" Affordable cost of the treatment.

- Disadvantages

" Since PRP treatment is an injection technique, there is bruising and redness of the skin from the injections.

" An extensive list of contraindications.

" If age-related skin changes are severe, plasmolifting will not produce good results.

" After the age of 50, the effectiveness of the procedure decreases.

" You need to find an experienced PRP practitioner for the procedure.

- Contraindications

" immune disorders;

" systemic blood disorders;

" pronounced ptosis (sagging) of the skin;

" presence of infectious disease;

" exacerbation of a chronic disease;

" pustular skin lesions;

" pregnancy and lactation;

" mental illness;

" oncologic disease;

" infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections, herpes);

" menstruation at the time of the procedure;

" Allergic reaction to an anticoagulant (sodium heparin, a drug that prevents blood from clotting in the tube).

How to prepare for PRP treatment?

To undergo PRP treatment, you must submit test results to your PRP practitioner:

" general blood test with platelets;

" blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The maximum validity period of the test results is 3 months.

Before treatment, it is recommended to:

" Do not take anticoagulant (blood thinning) medications for a few days before the procedure. This includes such well-known medications as heparin and aspirin.

" Do not perform any other cosmetic procedures on the day of PRP treatment.

" Refrain from fatty, fried and smoked foods, alcohol (including beer) and cigarettes (no more than 4-5 cigarettes per day)

On the day of the procedure:

" If the procedure is performed in the morning, you should come on an empty stomach (you may only drink water).

" If the procedure is performed in the afternoon or evening, you can eat fat-free dairy products, lean meat, fruits and vegetables.

" It is mandatory to drink about 2 liters of water the day before and the day of the procedure

" Do not smoke on the day of the treatment

How is PRP prepared for treatment?

A consultation with a PRP practitioner. The specialist will inform you about any contraindications and explain the procedure.

15 to 90 ml of blood will be taken from your vein and placed in a special PRP tube. Taking blood from a vein is a normal and painless procedure.

The tube with blood is placed in a centrifuge. In a 5-15 minute (depending on the machine) fast run, the blood in the tube is divided into three layers: Plasma, white blood cells with platelets, and red blood cells.

The doctor collects the upper layer - plasma - in a syringe.

The problematic skin site is treated with an antiseptic and injected with plasma (intradermally or subcutaneously). The injections are made, for example, with a microneedle.

What not to do after PRP treatment

During the first two days after PRP treatment, you should not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools, gyms, swim in open waters, or use a solarium.

There are no special restrictions. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

When can you see the results?

40% of patients report a visible effect immediately after treatment. The main result is visible after 1-2 days. PRP has a cumulative effect, so several treatments are required, the number of which is determined by the PRP practitioner depending on the skin condition. The results last for up to 2 years.

PRP effects

" Improves collagen production.

" Increases the elasticity of the skin.

" Moisturizes the dermis.

" Improves skin cell metabolism.

" Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

" Reduces the depth of large static wrinkles.

" Smoothes scars.

" Reduces hair loss and dandruff.

Is PRP treatment possible during the period?

You can, but it is not recommended.

Sensitivity increases during menstruation. The procedure can be uncomfortable.

The amount of platelets in a woman's blood varies depending on her menstrual cycle: it increases after ovulation and decreases at the beginning of menstruation. PRP therapy has the best effect when it is performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

Can I eat immediately before the treatment?

No. PRP treatment is performed on an empty stomach: you should not eat anything 8 hours before the procedure. If the procedure takes place in the evening, have a light lunch: if you are hungry (and the excitement before the procedure is added), there is a risk of fainting during the blood draw.

Avoid spicy or greasy foods.

At what age can I start treatment?

Can be used from the age of 18.

Recommended by dermatologists from the age of 25. There is no reason to perform PRP earlier. The first signs of aging may appear before the age of 25, but these are exceptions.

Can the procedure be performed during pregnancy?

Not recommended. PRP treatment itself is safe, but it should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

No clinical studies have been conducted on this topic. However, physicians do not advise pregnancy and the use of injectable cosmetic procedures during pregnancy and lactation.

With a cold?

No. Get well first.

Can I do PRP treatment if I have cancer?

No. Any cancer is a contraindication for PRP treatment.

Can I smoke before the PRP session?

Not recommended. Nicotine affects the vascular walls and reduces the oxygen saturation of the blood.

Can I do sports after the treatment?

No. Refrain from sports for 1-2 days. Increased sweating after cosmetic injection procedures is dangerous. Sweat irritates the skin and clogs the pores so that the skin can no longer breathe.

Can I use PRP in case of couperose?

It is not recommended. In couperosis, the vascular wall of the capillaries is thinned and fragile, and excessive piercing of the skin damages them, causing bruising and swelling. For rosacea, hardware-assisted treatment is more suitable.

Can I perform PRP treatment in summer?

You can and you should. Summer time is the best time for PRP treatment. Sun damage can cause pigmentation spots. PRP treatment effectively suppresses this process and prevents photoaging of the skin.

Can I drink alcohol before/after PRP treatment?

You should avoid alcohol three days before the procedure. It "thins" the blood and therefore increases the likelihood of bruising after PRP treatment.

After the procedure you should avoid alcohol for 1-2 days.

Can I drink coffee before the PRP treatment?

Refrain from caffeinated drinks 3-7 days before the procedure. This substance affects the condition of blood vessels and blood, which is important for PRP therapy.

How long can plasma be stored?

Finished plasma is not stored in the clinic and should not be reused for the next procedure. Since platelets are quickly destroyed outside the body, plasma is made during the procedure and injected into the skin all at once.

Can lipolytics and PRP be combined?

It is possible. The combination is justified for the removal of a second chin and the treatment of the thighs. The optimal scheme of procedures:

" 2x PRP procedures (7-10 days apart);

" injection of lipolytics;

" 1-3 PRP treatments (interval between sessions - 7-10 days).

The injected plasma thickens the skin, preventing it from sagging. The lipolytics destroy the fat cells and leave a hollow space under the skin. If the skin does not tighten naturally, it begins to sag. PRP treatment can help restore elasticity.

Slimming Lipolytic

Can I take antibiotics?

You should not take antibiotics before the procedure. After 14 days after the completion of treatment, you can perform PRP. Read the package insert of the drug, find a line about the half-life and multiply this time by two. After this time, the drug is no longer detectable in the blood, so you can undergo the procedure.

For hepatitis?

You are not allowed to perform PRP treatment if you have hepatitis.

People with HIV and syphilis are also excluded.


Allergies are only possible to anticoagulants that the doctor puts in the test tube to prevent the blood from clotting. Such cases are extremely rare. If you have an allergic reaction to anything, do not hide it from your doctor during the consultation.

PRP treatment for the face

What are the results of PRP injections on the face:

" Alignment of skin relief;

" Smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles;

" Reduction of deep wrinkles;

" Restoration of skin elasticity;

" Normalization of a healthy, even complexion;

" Removal of acne and post-acne scars;

" Stimulation of hair growth.

How often should I have treatment?

A complete PRP therapy includes from 4 procedures (depending on the condition of the skin) with an interval of 7-14 days.

How many PRP tubes are needed for one treatment?

It depends on the volume and area of the procedure:

" for the scalp - 1-2 PRP tubes

For the face - 2 PRP tubes;

For the face, neck and décolleté - 3 PRP tubes.

On average, 5 ml of plasma (1 portion) is obtained from 10 ml of blood.

PRP tubes

PRP treatment from 50?

After the age of 50, the number of platelets in the blood decreases, so the effectiveness of PRP treatment decreases. For patients in this age group we recommend mesotherapy.

From the age of 50, the skin loses its firmness - the metabolism in the cells slows down and the amount of water in the cells decreases. Collagen and elastane synthesis also decreases with age.

Administration of plasma stimulates regenerative and reparative (restoring and healing) processes in tissues. Plasma quickly rids cells of metabolic waste products, thus rejuvenating the skin.

However, after the age of 50, the effectiveness of the technique decreases.

In case of severe age-related skin changes, it is not possible to achieve a very significant effect. In this case, more radical rejuvenation methods can help.

PRP treatment for acne

Dermatologists use PRP for the treatment of acne. Plasma has several effects: anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and reparative (healing). Due to this complex effect, acne passes quickly after PRP therapy.

2-3 days after a PRP session, the inflammatory process worsens - this is normal. The skin swells and becomes slightly red around the acne. After 7-14 days the acne has reduced, pigmentation has disappeared, the skin is smoothed and has an even body color.

Which is better - PRP treatment or mesotherapy?

It is difficult to compare these techniques, they are not equivalent.

PRP treatment triggers skin rejuvenation from the inside with the body's own resources.

Mesotherapy is a skin strengthening treatment with mesococktails containing large amounts of nutrients.

Mesotherapy and PRP treatment are popular techniques in aesthetics. Both technologies can be used to correct signs of aging, improve skin tone, restore balance and activate natural rejuvenation processes. However, PRP and mesotherapy have significant differences, knowledge of which will allow you to choose the appropriate method.

Both technologies are an injection of active substances into the skin layer of the face and décolleté. For the PRP method, plasma from the patient's own blood is used. For this purpose, the required amount of blood is taken from a vein and centrifuged to separate the red blood cells. The obtained plasma is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary to eliminate the signs of aging.

In mesotherapy, the role of plasma is taken over by a cocktail of vitamins with an enriched composition. The solutions may contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins B and C, acids, collagen and elastin.

PRP is used not only on the face, but also for the décolleté area and for scalp treatment.

Indications for PRP are:

" Elimination of hair loss, normalization of sebaceous glands on the head, elimination of dandruff and fungus;

" Treatment of acne;

" Minimization of wrinkles on the face and décolleté;

" Elimination of stretch marks and scars;

" Restoration of the water balance of the skin.

Mesotherapy is not designed to effectively eliminate baldness and address pronounced scalp problems, but it offers more ways to work with the body.

Indications for mesotherapy:

" Elimination of cellulite, stretch marks;

" Minimization of wrinkles;

" Elimination of pigmentation;

" Restoration of the water balance of the skin, normalization of skin color;

" Improvement of the natural turgor of the skin.

Both technologies have a common list of contraindications. Contraindications include herpetic inflammation, recent peeling, hemophilia, pregnancy and lactation.

Principles of treatment

PRP treatment requires a lengthy preparation period. Before the procedure, the patient is prescribed general and biochemical blood tests, as well as tests for infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis). If the test results are good, the procedure can be performed.

Mesotherapy treatment does not require extensive preparation, as a special vitamin cocktail is used for the injections.

Side effects

Both techniques have a number of side effects, which are the formation of small bruises at the injection sites. In PRP, the possibility of allergies is eliminated because the skin layer is injected with the body's own cells. In mesotherapy, cocktails of components of synthetic and plant origin are used, so there is a possibility of allergies. Before a session, the doctor must consider these points to rule out allergic reactions.

To choose the best technology for your rejuvenation, we recommend that you see a doctor who will help you make the right decision after an examination. We also offer a wide range of other non-surgical plasticizing procedures: Hyaluronic acid injections, contouring.

Which is better - PRP treatment or biorevitalization?

In terms of effectiveness, the methods are not the same.

In terms of safety, PRP treatment is better, because it is a purely natural procedure.

PRP for facial scars

As a stand-alone procedure, PRP treatment is not very effective in the fight against scars. It is better to combine it with other cosmetic procedures.

Post-acne scars can be perfectly treated with laser resurfacing and PRP.

Swelling / bruising after PRP treatment

Swelling disappears in 1-2 days, bruising in 5-8 days. Rehabilitation or special skin care after the procedure is not required.

What equipment is needed for PRP treatment?

The process requires only one device - a centrifuge. This is a rotor that has holes on the sides for the tubes. The centrifuge rotor spins rapidly, which breaks down the blood in the tubes into fractions, layer by layer.

The plasma is the lightest and is at the top. The doctor draws it out of the tubes in a syringe and injects it into the skin site to be treated.

PRP centrifuge

PRP after laser resurfacing

This combination is effective in the treatment of scars after acne. Their effects are combined and reinforce each other.

Laser resurfacing is a method of laser skin rejuvenation based on the method of "vaporization" of abnormal skin cells with simultaneous heating of deep tissue. Instead of the destroyed dermis components, a new skin layer is formed, without pathological and structural changes.

As a result, the face becomes fresher and firmer, PRP treatment is used to improve skin regeneration.

PRP treatment accelerates skin healing, skin cells divide more actively, young cells appear faster. The epidermis is renewed many times faster than with any individual procedure.

PRP treatment for hair

Injectable procedure for the treatment of hair loss.

If the cause of alopecia is a hormonal disorder, PRP treatment is not used in isolation, and the effect, if it occurs, is weak or short-lived. But as an additional solution to the problem, the procedure is quite suitable.

If the causes of hair loss - stress or age-related changes in the skin and its appendages, the plazmolifting gives up to 80% successful results.


" Severe hair loss.

" Alopecia (diffuse, focal, telogen and even androgenic alopecia).

" Thinned out, brittle and split ends of hair.

" Thinning of the hair.

" Dandruff (seborrhea), oily scalp.

" Damaged hair due to dyeing, chemotherapy, keratin.


What PRP means for your hair:

" to stop the process of hair follicle death;

" reduce hair loss (effectiveness in more than 70% of cases);

" It strengthens the hair follicles, the hair grows back stronger;

" The new hair will be stronger and healthier than its predecessor;

" The structure of the hair shaft is improved: brittleness and hair breakage are reduced;

" The hair becomes denser and thicker, it looks thicker;

" normalizes sebum production and eliminates dandruff;

" Restores the natural shine and softness of the hair.

The effectiveness of PRP therapy in the treatment of hair loss is 60-80%. Hair grows back within 1-2 months after treatment.

The results last from 6 months to 2 years.

PRP injection not only stimulates the growth of new hair, but also gives the remaining hair a shiny and silky feeling. After PRP therapy, hair becomes denser and its diameter increases.


Men over 40 years of age start to suffer from alopecia - hair loss. Hair transplantation is an expensive procedure and is one of the extreme measures. By injecting their own plasma, men can regain their hair splendor, and without much cost.


The PRP for hair is one of the most effective techniques in the world for the treatment of alopecia (hair loss). We have a success rate of 60-80%.


Normally, a healthy person (regardless of gender) loses up to 100-150 hairs every day. After plasmolifting, this number will return to normal or even decrease. Complete cessation of hair loss is not possible with any procedure. It is not necessary, because the breakdown of dead skin cells and hair is a normal process in the body. It is the way our body renews itself.


To achieve a lasting effect, a series of sessions is required: 5-10 treatments every 10 to 14 days (depending on individual body characteristics).


After PRP treatment for hair, follow a few rules:

" On the day of the procedure, do not comb your hair or touch it unnecessarily.

" Do not wash your hair for 24 hours (preferably 2).

" Avoid the sun or wear a hat.

" Avoid visiting a tanning salon for 1-3 days.

" Avoid baths, saunas, swimming pools and gyms for 3 days.

" Do not use hair mask with irritants (mustard, pepper, etc.) for 5-7 days.


PRP therapy is often used after hair transplantation to speed up postoperative recovery.

Sometimes the procedure is performed prior to hair transplantation. This prepares the "soil" for the implanted hair follicles

Can PRP be used to tighten the skin?

With the help of this technique it is possible to achieve a slight lifting effect in the range of 2-3 mm. The rejuvenation effect is achieved by increasing hydration, improving elasticity and color of the tissue.

Can PRP tighten my breasts?

No. Injections are not enough to achieve the desired tightening effect, you need a breast lift.

Is it possible to contract HIV, syphilis, herpes or hepatitis during the procedure?

Since the patient's own blood plasma is used for the injections, there is no risk of infection. All manipulations are/should be performed with sterile instruments

Is PRP treatment painful?

Since thin needles are used for PRP injections, discomfort during the session is minimal. Anesthesia can be administered at the patient's request.

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