PRP treatment for acne

PRP treatment for acne

Since most people suffer from acne between 18 and 30, this is usually considered the end of puberty. However, some people can still get acne up to 40-50. And PRP for acne scars can help. While acne is a bad condition in itself, the blemishes and scars can cause a lot of damage to the skin. It can also take someone's faith away. 

Once you've dealt with the damage caused by acne, you'll want to find a solution that restores the flawless appearance of your skin. PRP acne scar injections can remove the scars and help you regain clear skin. But does PRP treatment work for acne scars? Read on and find out. 

What is PRP?

One of the newest and most innovative solutions for your blemishes is PRP treatment. Platelet-derived plasma (PRP) therapy uses serum from your blood. Here's what PRP is and how it's formulated:

  • Doctors take a small amount of blood from your arm. 
  • They put it into a PRP tube in a centrifuge. 
  • The centrifuge spins the blood at high speed. 
  • The blood reacts by splitting into different layers. Red blood cells or erythrocytes are shown at the bottom, while PRP blood plasma accumulates in a thin layer above. 
  • Another rotation turns the serum further. It now contains a concentration of platelets, growth factors and other healing components. But without erythrocytes or white blood cells (WBCs). 
  • The PRP serum that can be used is a third layer, also called a buffy coat. The serum is also called platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) and is straw-coloured with a similar consistency. 
  • Doctors extract the serum and prepare to inject PRP for acne scars. 
  • The only additives they could use were to prevent the serum from solidifying or to enhance its therapeutic benefits.

What is the cause of acne?

Acne is the result of an overproduction of sebum, a natural oil secreted by your skin to prevent it from drying out. However, hormonal imbalances can lead to an excess of the oil. Since the oil glands are connected to the hair follicles of your skin, they can get stuck in the follicles and collect impurities, dead cells, bacteria and other debris. Acne is your body trying to rid the skin of the impurities. When the breakout subsides, it leaves behind hyperpigmentation or acne. 

Severe acne can damage the dermis and the lower layers of skin tissue, leading to the formation of acne scars. Such scars may be in the form of boxcars, ice cream and rolling scars. Severe acne can cause keloids, which form more scar tissue due to excess collagen that occurs as the skin heals after it sets. Basically, you can look at traces of acne, scars or keloid/healed tissue. 

Can PRP treatment help with acne?

PRP therapy also works for facial blemishes because it contains a concentration of platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, cytokines and other components produced by the body. These compounds have the ability to heal wounds and conditions of any kind anywhere in the body. 

PRP treatment for acne scars also has the ability to build hard and soft tissue that forms cells in the spa. When the serum is applied millimetres into your skin in the scarred areas, the underlying layer of collagen and elastin can regenerate and form new cells. When the skin is full, the scars disappear as if they never existed. 

How does the PRP procedure work for acne scars

PRP injection is a straightforward procedure that takes no more than 30 to 60 minutes. Once the PRFM serum is ready, your dermatologist injects it into the skin under the scarred areas. Because she uses an extremely fine needle, you probably won't feel very uncomfortable and you won't see any puncture marks. You also do not need to be absent from work or your daily activities. 

You may see bruising or swelling immediately, but these are minor effects. You can easily resolve these reactions by cooling these areas. You don't have to worry about side effects like kneading, which can often occur after synthetic fillings. Or possibly allergic reactions or side effects. Your body recognises its own tissue and accepts healing elements. 

How many PRP sessions are needed?

Dermatologists usually recommend three sessions, each 4 weeks apart. This number also depends on the severity of the acne scar problem and your body's regenerative abilities. 

After your doctor has created a customised treatment plan for you, he or she will advise you on the expected costs. However, make sure that PRP injection costs are more economical and produce much better results compared to traditional treatments. 


PRP treatment for acne scars is very effective in helping patients with various types left behind by breakouts.

By introducing the PRP serum under the scars, dermatologists can stimulate collagen production in the lower layers of the skin.

PRP not only restores the perfect appearance of the skin, but can also prevent new breakouts. This is because the treatment can cause the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen, removing the accumulated toxins in the skin. 

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