PRP treatment for erectile dysfunction

Can PRP therapy help with erectile dysfunction?

PRP-Therapy can help with problems such as impotence caused by nerve damage, surgical scars, injury and even ageing. PRP serum contains platelets, growth factors and other healing components that can repair damaged tissue and regenerate blood vessels and nerves to increase sensation and pleasure. 

Impotence, or the inability to have an erection, is a more common problem in men. You may be interested to know that impotence also includes the inability to build up a suitable quality for penetration.

PRP therapy for erectile dysfunction is an innovative form of treatment that is being used recently. And has the potential to help the millions of men who suffer from the problem. 

Typical causes of erectile dysfunction

Before discussing how PRP can help with erectile dysfunction, it is important to understand the main causes of the condition.

Erectile dysfunction, which is the partial or complete difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection until sexual intercourse is complete, can have several causes, both physical and psychological.

The most common organic causes are circulatory disturbances in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, such as occur in diabetes, arterial hypertension and associated arteriosclerosis, and after extensive surgical procedures such as removal of the prostate for carcinoma or resection of the sigmoid rectum for tumors in this area.

It must be emphasized that in a significant percentage of cases, pharmacological treatment is either ineffective from the outset or becomes ineffective over time, leaving open only the route to implantation of penile prostheses, which are generally not well accepted. 

Peyronie's disease, also known as induratio penis plastica (IPP), is much more common than people think. It can occur at any time of life, initially causing erectile pain and then leading to the appearance of fibrous deposits on the surface of the corpora cavernosa, which gradually curl the penis to the point where penetration is no longer possible.

Chronic pelvic pain is also common and is referred to as chronic abacterial prostatitis in men and interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome, vulvodynia, and dyspareunia (painful intercourse) in women, thus forming the basis of major female sexual dysfunction.

Experts now agree that erectile dysfunction may be an indication of a more serious underlying problem that needs to be addressed. If you think you have ED, it's important to consult your doctor. You may need to undergo a series of tests to understand the causes.  

  • Hypertension and hardening of the arteries
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • After-effects of prostate or prostate surgery
  • Injuries
  • Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and MS. Depression, stress and anxiety
  • Peyronie's disease, in which there is scar tissue in the penis
  • Obesity
  • Chronic fatigue

Depending on the test results, your doctor will recommend diet and lifestyle changes. With proper exercise, medication and diet, you can improve blood flow throughout your body and reduce stress. These measures can help you with erectile dysfunction. For other causes like injuries or nerve disorders, you can opt for PRP therapy for erectile dysfunction. 

How PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) works for erectile dysfunction

Doctors take a small blood sample and extract the PRP plasma by centrifuging it. Once the red blood cells are gone, they can create the PRP plasma, which contains a concentration of repair elements. These components include platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, cytokines and various other histoform cells. 

In erectile dysfunction, the patient lies on the couch and the doctor injects microinjections into the affected tissue.

Although the procedure may seem uncomfortable, it is virtually painless because the penis is numbed with an anesthetic cream.

The injections are performed periplate and in the context of each plaque. In women, the hyperconcentrated platelets are injected in different locations depending on the localization of the disease, which is always painless thanks to the use of local anesthetics.

The treatment lasts 40 minutes from the collection of platelets to the end of the treatment and must be repeated at least three times at intervals of 20-30 days to ensure its effectiveness. The specialist will advise you on the number of treatments, depending on the case. free of side effects, as it uses and reuses plasma from the same person.

When PRP therapy is performed on the male limb, it creates a repair waterfall that can reverse most causes of impotence. PRP for erectile dysfunction is not only safe and unlikely to cause any unwanted or side effects. However, you will find that the cost of PRP injection is much lower compared to other forms of treatment. 

Case studies on PRP therapy for erectile dysfunction are successful

One of the first questions patients have is whether PRP treatment is really effective.

Doctors at the National Centre for Biotechnology Information ( ) conducted studies on a group of patients. Here is the research progress and results.

  • The doctors selected 17 subjects and developed a procedure with two injections for each patient. 
  • Patients were given a local anaesthetic which they applied generously to the treatment area. 
  • Laboratory technicians drew 18 ml of blood from the forearm vein into two separate test tubes. 
  • They placed these tubes in a centrifuge and spun them at 6000 rpm for 6 minutes. 
  • After adding 10% calcium chloride to each tube in a 1:10 ratio, the doctors made 5.5 ml of PRP serum. 
  • Within 10 minutes of making the serum, the doctors carefully and precisely injected it into specific areas using extremely fine needles. Each patient received between 4 ml and 9 ml of serum and the entire procedure took 30 to 40 minutes. 
  • The subjects stayed in the clinic for 20 to 30 minutes after the observation procedure. The doctors also wanted to make sure that they had no adverse effects. 
  • The patients were asked to participate in follow-up visits within 15 months. When asked about their experience with PRP for erectile dysfunction, they talked about higher quality erections, better curvature and more confidence. 

Effectiveness of PRP therapy

The effectiveness of PRP treatment in erectile dysfunction is based on the regenerative stimulation of the vessels, neoangiogenesis and on the innervation of the erectile tissue of the penis thanks to the bioactive proteins in the platelets that release growth factors to stimulate cell regeneration and accelerate tissue repair, with a marked improvement in blood circulation in the male organ and consequently an improvement in erection and personal perception of pleasure and orgasm.

With PPIs, there is a rapid disappearance of erectile dysfunction and, less frequently, a reduction in the consistency of the plaques and the characteristic curvature of the disease. In chronic pelvic pain, the reduction to disappearance of the disorders in a good percentage of cases in women can lead to a significant improvement in vaginal lubrication and thus to the restoration of a satisfactory sexual life. Finally, urinary incontinence can improve to varying degrees, sometimes eliminating the need for surgery to correct stress urinary incontinence. The earlier this therapy is used, the better the results.

PRP therapy for erectile dysfunction has been shown to be effective due to the regenerative capacity of serum growth factors.  

  • When the muscles in the penis used the PRP serum as a matrix for new tissue growth, the organ enlarged. 
  • PRP has the ability to grow new blood vessels. With improved blood flow, patients were able to achieve higher quality and lasting erections. 
  • PRP can regenerate damaged nerves, improve emotions and increase pleasure. 
  • PRP treatments can repair scar tissue and regenerate lost collagen, elastin and blood vessels. For this reason, treatment for Peyronie's disease and post-operative scars may prove to be the best solution for ED. 
  • Proven treatment provides psychological boost and relieves nervousness. 

PRP treatment for erectile dysfunction compared to conventional alternatives

PRP therapy for erectile dysfunction is a better choice than conventional treatments because it has no side effects or adverse reactions. The positive effects are achieved by the body using its own blood and tissue to repair itself. In addition, you should stop taking the pills as the effects of the procedure are likely to last at least 12 to 15 months or longer. Perhaps the best positive is that the process is minimally invasive and does not involve surgery. 

Although initial results from case studies are promising, doctors agree that more research is needed before PRP injections become a regular recommendation. 

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