PRP therapy for eye diseases

PRP therapy may be the best solution for your eye problems

Rich plasma (PRP) treatment is considered one of the safest and most effective solutions for wound healing in the medical field. Now this treatment application has been extended to address ophthalmic problems or PRP ophthalmology as it is also called. By inserting the serum into open wounds (sores or surgeries), doctors can speed healing with minimal scarring or infection. And now ophthalmologists are using platelet-rich plasma to help patients with similar problems. 

PRP Therapy can help with various eye diseases

Doctors who specialise in PRP ophthalmology can help you recover from a variety of eye conditions through conventional treatments such as eye drops and surgery. When these treatments are not enough to help patients, PRP eye drops can be used along with the other medications. In some cases, doctors may only use PRP. Here are some of the conditions the therapy can treat. 

- Chronic and symptomatic dry eye syndrome.  

Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the tear glands do not produce enough tears. As a result, there can be constant eye irritation. Over time, the irritation causes inflammation and even scarring on the surface of the eye. The dry eye condition can affect the cornea and conjunctiva or the thin tissue covering the eyes and the inside of the eyelids.

- Ocular surface syndrome.  

If you have pain or discomfort in your eyes, blurred vision or redness and itching, you may have eye syndrome. If left untreated, the condition can cause severe damage to the corneal surface and even blindness.  

Corneal ulcers and wounds. 

Corneal ulcers are like open wounds in the cornea of the eye. They can form due to injury or infection of the eye or due to chemical damage. Drying the cornea and wearing or overusing contact lenses can also cause these sores. 

- Recurrent corneal rupture syndrome (RCE).  

Corneal rupture is a condition in which the tissues of the eye that support the cornea are torn. As a result, symptoms such as eye pain, excessive tearing and sensitivity to bright light may occur. Eventually, patients find that this affects their vision.

PRP contains powerful healing components

Platelet rich plasma contains a concentration of platelets, growth factors and white blood cells suspended in the plasma. The serum also contains mesenchymal stem cells, bioactive proteins, cytokines and various other components. These elements have the ability to repair wounds in the body by creating a framework for tissue reconstruction and regeneration. By using PRP eye drops, doctors mainly supply the eye with the body tissue for healing. In fact, PRP is obtained from each patient's blood. 

PRP therapy can help heal the eyes

prp eye drops

By using PRP eye drops, ophthalmologists can help patients recover from eye diseases 

  • PRP growth factors repair the surface of the cornea and the membrane that covers it. 
  • PRP treatment provides faster corneal wound healing with less scarring, so vision becomes clearer after treatment is complete. 
  • By using PRP, doctors can relieve inflammation and pain. 
  • PRP can reverse the harmful effects of dry eye syndrome. 
  • PRP serum acts as a lubricant to keep the eyes moist during repair and healing. 
  • After LASIK surgery, PRP eye drops can improve healing and prevent infection.

PRP treatment can be the best solution for eye problems

When it comes to your eyes and vision, you can't be too careful.

As reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( ), PRP ophthalmology, or the use of PRP to heal eye diseases, may be one of the safest treatments currently available. This is because the E-PRP (Eye Platelet Rich Plasma) serum is essentially part of your own tissue and rarely has side effects. 

The main advantage of PRP over other products is the presence of platelets and associated delayed release of growth factors that interfere with the wound healing process of the cornea and conjunctival surface. E-PRP appears to be a reliable and effective therapeutic approach to improve epithelial wound healing and promote ocular surface regeneration in a variety of pathological conditions. 

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