PRP therapy for the repair of tendonitis

Athletes and normal people can get pain and inflammation in their arms, arms or knees during certain activities. 

If this is the case, your doctor may diagnose a tendon injury after performing the necessary diagnostic tests. After several conventional methods to relieve discomfort, you should ask your doctor about PRP therapy. Relieve your discomfort and learn what you need to know about tendon injuries and how PRP treatment can help.

Tendinitis, tendinosis and tendinopathy Pain

Tendons are fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Doctors use many names to describe inflammation, injury or damage to tendon tissue, including tendinitis, tendinopathy and tendinopathy, as well as paratendinitis, tenosynovitis and tendon rupture. 

Knowing these terms can help patients understand their treatment plan and take steps to avoid future tendon problems.

- Tendonitis

Physicians who used to describe almost all tendon pain now only use the term "tendonitis" to describe acute inflammation of the tendon caused by small (micro) tears. Common symptoms are local pain, swelling and fever.

Tendonitis can develop due to a sudden acute injury or repeated microtrauma to the tendon or group of tendons. Recommended treatments to reduce inflammation may include resting the affected area and taking over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (like Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (like Alev, Naprosyn). 

People with tendonitis / tendinitis usually recover within a few weeks. Chronic tendinitis can lead to tendinopathy.

- Tendinosis

Tendinopathy is a non-inflammatory degeneration of the tendon. This degeneration may involve changes in the structure or composition of the tendon. These changes are usually the result of repeated compression of the tendon without sufficient time for healing. 

The main difference between tendinitis and tenosynovitis: 

Unlike tendinitis, tendinitis can take several months to heal. 

The treatment of tendinitis and tendonitis can be different. For example, some experts believe that tendinitis cannot be treated with NSAIDs or corticosteroids. 

These drugs are thought to interfere with the normal rebuilding of the tendon and weaken the effectiveness of treatment. Their structure can lead to long-term treatment problems. Tendinitis usually affects people who do high-intensity activities or sports that require repetitive tendon movements.

- Tendinopathy

Tendinopathy is often used to describe tendon problems. The suffix "patia" comes from the Greek word for disease or disorder. Therefore, tendinopathy literally means a disease or disorder of the tendon.

Although most experts define tendinopathy as a general term. To describe all tendon conditions, others may use it to describe chronic, non-healing tendon conditions. For example, a runner who suffers from repeated Achilles tendon sprains and cannot recover normally may be diagnosed with tendinopathy.

- Paratenonitis

Some tendons in the human body (e.g. the Achilles tendon) have a thin sheath of surrounding tissue called an anticord, while other tendons (e.g. on the wrists and hands) are surrounded by another tissue called the synovium. The inflammation is called paramyositis. When the synovial membrane around the tendon becomes inflamed, this is called tenosynovitis.

Although tenosynovitis can be diagnosed by a diagnostic test, paratenonitis cannot be accurately diagnosed without a biopsy. Paratenonitis and tenosynovitis treatments include reducing inflammation and restricting movement of the affected tendon.

- Komplette und partielle Sehnenrisse

Wenn eine Sehne reißt, wird dies auch als Bruch bezeichnet. Wenn die Sehne in zwei Teile gerissen ist, spricht man von einem vollständigen Riss; wenn ein Teil der Sehne noch intakt ist, spricht man von einem Teilriss. 

Eine akute Sehnenruptur ist ein einmaliges Ereignis, das sofortige Schmerzen und eine verminderte Funktion des betroffenen Gelenks verursachen kann, begleitet von Schwellungen oder Blutergüssen. Ein akuter Bruch wird typischerweise innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach der Verletzung erkannt und behandelt.

Chronische Sehnenrisse können folgende Ursachen haben: partielle Risse verschlimmern sich allmählich über einen längeren Zeitraum, oder akute Risse heilen nicht innerhalb weniger Wochen, abhängig von der Sehne.

PRP therapy can relieve tendonitis and pain

PRP therapy for tendonitis can help repair damaged tendons by stimulating rather than relieving swelling. The growth factors in the PRP serum will form new blood vessels in the collagen matrix of the tendon.

Thanks to the new oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood, the new tissue structure and the resulting collagen heal more quickly. In addition, PRP treatment can prevent further weakening of the tendon and promote its rebuilding.

If the surrounding cartilage and buffers are damaged, PRP treatment can restore lubrication and make the joints smooth.

What are platelets and plasma?

platelet rich plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is made from blood. Using special PRP tubes and centrifuge, the patient's blood sample is processed to produce a therapeutic injection containing plasma with a higher platelet concentration in the plasma than normal blood.

  • Platelets are a normal component of the blood, as are red blood cells and white blood cells. Platelets secrete substances called growth factors and other proteins that regulate cell division, stimulate tissue regeneration and promote healing. Platelets also help with blood clotting.
  • Plasma refers to the fluid component of blood. This consists mainly of water, but also contains protein, growth factors, nutrients, glucose and antibodies.

It is interesting to note that there is no recognised formula for "platelet-rich plasma". Therefore, the range of injecting PRP into the patient's body can be wide depending on the preparation method or composition of the patient's blood.

How is PRP produced?

Methods vary, but the most common way to make PRP is to centrifuge a sample of the patient's blood with PRP tubes. 

After carefully separating the platelet-rich plasma, doctors prepare it for injection into the affected tendon.

To ensure that the plasma is placed precisely and provides the maximum benefit, a doctor sometimes uses an ultrasound machine.

The PRP treatment process usually takes about 60 minutes.

Most patients report how they were able to return to their normal activities within 3 months of the procedure.

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Big performance for the small lab. The Hettich EBA 200 small centrifuge is a practical laboratory centrifuge for small sample volumes.   *Information on the calculation of the delivery date  

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